Oscar Herrera

Hello there! I am Oscar a developer based in Chicago

I love creating user interfaces that make you smile :)I learned web development through The Odin Project,which is an open-source curriculum focused on full-stack development. Throughout my journey I learned to work with modern JavaScript technologies. I then discovered my love for creating intuitive and user-centered web applications.


Some of my latest projects
A house in a forest
MyDrive is a File storage system its a stripped down version of google drive. Feel free use the demo account yourself
This is a blog app, I integrated tinyMCE text editor to enable rich content creation. I loved working prismjs, which allows code snippets to be highlighted
A house in a forest
A house in a forest
Chat App RTC
This is a TypeScript based real-time chat app. Users can chat with each other and see their online status. I wrote the front-end and back-end in TypeScript